
WKF Scoring

  1. A score is awarded to a Competitor when two or more judges indicate a score.
  2. Points are scored by a traditional karate technique with the hand or foot executed with control to the scoring area.
  3. Only the first correctly executed technique of an exchange will score with the exception of an effective combination of techniques in which case the highest scoring technique will count regardless of the sequence of techniques in the combination. 
  4. The scoring areas are the body above the pelvis, up to and including the collarbone (CHUDAN), excluding the shoulders themselves, and the area above the collarbone (JODAN).
  5. In order to be considered a score the technique must have the potential to be effective if it had not been controlled, and must also fill the criteria of:
    1. Good form (Properly executed technique).
    2. Sporting attitude (Delivered without intent to cause injury).
    3. Vigorous application (Delivery with speed and power).
    4. Maintaining awareness of the opponent both during and after execution of the technique (Not turning away or falling down after completing a technique – unless the fall is caused
      by a foul by the opponent). 
    5. Good timing (Delivery of the technique at the correct moment). 
    6. Correct distance (Delivery at a distance where the technique would be effective). 
  6. The following scale is used for awarding of points:
    • YUKO (1 point) is awarded for Tsuki (straight punch) or Uchi (strike) to a scoring area.
    • WAZA-ARI (2 points) is awarded for CHUDAN kicks.
    • IPPON (3 points) is awarded for JODAN kicks or any techniques against an opponent whose any part of the body other than the feet is in contact with the mat with exception of Hiza-Gamae (One knee touching the mat while executing a technique). 
  7. Techniques to the CHUDAN area may be delivered with controlled impact without causing injury to the opponent. A loss of breath by the recipient of a blow does not in itself indicate lack of control.
  8. Techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped within 5 cm of the target for kicks and 2 cm for hand techniques but may be delivered with light touch (skin touch), without causing impact – with exception to the throat area where no physical contact is allowed. 
  9. For Cadets under 14 years and children, techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped within 10 cm of the target for kicks and 5 cm for hand techniques. 
  10. “Skin touch” is allowed in categories for Competitors 16 years or older (Juniors). For categories 14 to 16 years of age skin touch is allowed for kicks only. Skin touch is defined as touching the target without transferring energy into the head or body. For Competitors under 14 years no skin touch is allowed with Jodan techniques. 
  11. Correctly executed techniques landed at the moment the time runs out are valid. When using electronic judging, points must be signalled within 2 seconds of time expiring.
  12. A technique is invalid if:
    a) Executed after the time-up signal or the Referee calling “YAME”.
    b) Executed upon or after “WAKARETE” before “TSUZUKETE” has been called.
    c) Executed when the performer is outside the competition area (JOGAI).
    d) Followed by a foul – with the exception of JOGAI.
    e) One turns one’s back to the opponent after a technique (lack of awareness).
    f) It in itself is, or follows, a violation of the rules (such as excessive contact, holding,
    grabbing etc.). 
  13. A point may be signalled even if the Judge cannot see the actual point of impact if the technique itself is executed correctly and can be observed to obviously not have been obstructed in reaching its target.

About Us

The Silverado Cup Karate Championship is a multi martial arts Olympic-style event that welcomes any athlete regardless of age. 

The Championship embodies the values of participation, sportsmanship and healthy living among martial artists. The philosophy of the Silverado Cup Karate Championship is that everyone is welcome to participate. The Silverado Cup Karate Championship is truly a grassroots organization that relies on the dedication of many volunteers.

The Silverado Cup Karate Championship features an Opening Ceremony that allows spectators to witness the Parade of the Athletes. 

The Silverado Cup Karate Championships was founded by Oscar Silvera in 2006

Advertising and Services

We expect some of the Karate Clubs in the Detroit area will be participating in this event. More than 100 athletes are expected to join and participate in this tournament event.

It is our honor to forward this proposal to you for sponsorship of this event. We are offering the following packages for your consideration:

Major Sponsor:

$ 250.00

Post (1) banner/streamer at the venue, size shall not exceed
3x6 feet. Provide your own banner;
Whole page advertisement space in the souvenir program;

Minor Sponsor:

$ 150.00

Whole page advertisement space in the souvenir program;


$ 75.00

Half (1/2) page advertisement space in the souvenir program;

Major Donor:

$ 25.00

Quarter (1/4) page acknowledgement space in the souvenir program;

Minor Donor:

$ 15.00

Business Card size space advertisement or acknowledgment in the souvenir program;

Money from this Advertisement-Souvenir Program will be used to sponsor our students who cannot afford to attend this event and to offset expenses running this tournament.

Deadline for payment and submission of ad details shall be on 4/10/24.

Thank you!

Tournament Director


Frequently Ask Questions

Does a competitor need a Martial Arts membership in order to compete at the Silverado Cup?

  • No, a competitor won't require to be member of any Karate organization in order to compete.

What are the Silverado Cup Tournament rules will be?

Will an AAU Karate Kumite equipment will be Ok to be used at the Silverado Cup?

  • Yes, The AAU Karate Kumite equipment (headgear, protective mitts, shin and foot pads, cups for boys and mouth guards) will be good to be used at the Silverado Cup. Colors: Red, Blue or White are recommended.


  • Can I confirm my registration?

Yes.  You can confirm your registration online by going to and selecting “confirm registrations” on the main page. Enter your infomation on the requested. If you have registered online, you will receive an “order confirmation” via email in addition to being taken to a confirmation screen at the conclusion of the registration process.  If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam filter.
If you completed the paper application and mailed your registration, it will take approximately 1 to 2 business days for your registration to appear online using the website.  Because of the volume of paper registrations, we cannot confirm your registration any sooner than it would appear online.


  • What if I confirm my registration and it is incorrect? 

If the registration appears to be incorrect online, simply contact us make changes to your registration. 

  • What if I make a mistake during registration, do I have to pay a change fee? 

No, simply contact us make changes to your registration.

  • What are the skill levels and how do I know which skill level I should compete in? 

The skill levels are to help keep the competition a level playing field for all competitors.  The Silverado Cup is committed to giving every athlete the opportunity for success in the ring, so some changes have been made to the skill level descriptions.   Here is a description of the skill levels:

  • Beginner – 8thkyu and under/Less than 1 year of training
  • Novice – 7thkyu-5th kyu/1-2 years of training
  • Intermediate – 4thkyu-2nd kyu/2-4 years of training
  • Advanced  - 1stkyu and higher/4 years or more of training
  • Elite – Divisions/Recommended rank of 1stDan or higher and 5+ years of training
  • All brown belts must compete in intermediate or higher divisions
  • All black belts must compete in advanced or higher divisions
  • Athletes who participate in a beginner, novice, or intermediate division must compete in that skill level for all divisions
  • An athlete who participates in an elite division may compete in an advanced division in another category (Exp:  Athletes may compete in Elite Kumite and Advanced Kata, but may not compete in Elite Kumite and Advanced Kumite)
  • Athletes who compete in Elite Kata may not compete in any other Kata division
  • Athletes who medal in any skill level must move up to the next higher skill level the following year (Exp: An athlete who medaled in a Novice category in 2023 must compete in the Intermediate or higher category in 2024)
  • The ultimate placement of athletes in the correct skill level is the responsibility of both the athlete and their coach/instructor.  We rely on the integrity of all of our participants to ensure for the safest and most fair competition.  Should an athlete be found to purposefully misrepresent their skill level for the purpose of competitive advantage, should be desquilified.

If I have been training for 2 years but have a brown belt, I have to compete as an intermediate? 

Yes, all brown belts must compete in intermediate or higher divisions. 

  • Can I compete in Elite and Advanced Divisions?

That depends, Elite is a separate skill level division available to Advanced competitors, therefore competitors may compete in Advanced or Elite per event category (Kata or Kumite).  For example, an athlete may compete in Elite Kata and Advanced Kumite or Elite Kumite and Advanced Kata but CANNOT compete in both Advanced Kata and Elite Kata.

  • If I register for Elite Kumite, do I have to register for Elite Kata? 

No, Kata and Kumite are separate events and you CAN register for Elite in one event and Advanced in the other.  You CANNOT compete in Advanced and Elite in the SAME event.

  • What if I just want to watch the tournament?

Yes, You are welcome to come and watch the tournament. The tickets may be purchased at the venue. The price list is below:

  • $10 per person (online tickets available here)
  • $25 for a family (online tickets available here)
  • Children under 6 are free

How can I be a volunteer?

All volunteers are encouraged to register in advance online here and attend a volunteer course held on-site.  For specific information on volunteering contact the Silverado Cup Volunteer Coordinator on our contact us page

  • Where do I check in as a volunteer?

Volunteers will need to check-in at the Volunteer Check-in Table in the Registration area. Volunteers will pick up the volunteer T-shirt and get additional information about the tournament.

  • Is the schedule of events posted somewhere?

A schedule will be posted online prior to the tournament and at various locations onsite. The schedules are tentative and subject to change.

  • Does everyone need to be at the tournament at 9:00am? 

No, the Silverado Cup Staff is committed to providing a basic time structure for events and stage times. You can also sign up for our text messaging service.  This service will send you a text message when your child is called to Staging, sent to a ring and completed competition.  For more information about this service, sign up online during the registration process or ask in Registration onsite.


  • Are body armor required? 

No.  But, is recommended.

  • Do females have to wear the Body Protector AND Chest Protector?

No.  But, both are recommended for females.  

  • Are shin pads required? 

Yes, USA Karate approved shin pads are required.  No cloth foot/shin pads will be allowed.  All equipment will be checked at Staging prior to competition for compliance.  Competitors will not be allowed to compete without approved gear.

  • What color equipment is required? 

White, red and blue (recommended) color approved hand pads are required. White, red and blue (recommended) color approved foot pads are required. Only soft foam headgear is allowed and it must be a solid color, preferably white. 
Please note, you must wear matching hand and foot gear or red/blue hand gear with white foot and shin pads.  You may not wear red hand pads with blue foot and shin pads or vice versa. 

  • Is headgear allowed?  

Yes.  Classic headgear with no attachments, face shield or metal bars is allowed.  Headgear will be checked in Staging prior to competition for compliance.

  • Will USA Karate approved equipment be on sale at the tournament? 

Yes. Vendor booths might be onsite for equipment purchases, however it is suggested you purchase in advance to ensure you have equipment for the tournament. Check the Silverado Cup online store

  • What color uniform (gi) can I wear? 

Competitors may only wear traditional cut unmarked white karate uniforms without stripping or piping. 

  • Do I need both red and blue belts for competition?  

Yes, all competitors need red and blue belts for both Kata and Kumite.  The Red/Blue “flip” belts are not allowed for competition.
Kata Competition

  • Can I compete in both Advanced Kata and Elite Kata?


  • What division should I register for if I am an adult advanced Kata competitor, but do not want to compete in Elite Kata?

Competitors should register for Advanced 18-34 Kata.

  • Will I have to do my kata at the same time as my opponent?
    •  All Beginner and Novice Divisions will perform Kata simultaneously.
    • All Intermediate Division for UNDER 18 will perform Kata simultaneously.
    • All Advanced Division UNDER 14 will perform Kata simultaneously.
    • All Adult Intermediate Divisions will perform Kata individually.
    • All Advanced Divisions 14 and OLDER will perform Kata individually.
  • Can I repeat Kata?  

That depends.  ALL Beginner, Novice and Intermediate Divisions may repeat Kata in all rounds.  All Advanced Divisions can repeat Kata UNTIL the final round.  In the FINAL ROUND, Advanced competitors must perform a different Kata from previous rounds. 

ALL ELITE KATA DIVISIONS will follow WKF rules and must perform a different Kata each round.

Kumite Competition

  • What equipment do I need to Kumite?
  • The following protective equipment is required for all Kumite competitors:
  • Red/Blue USA-NKF/WKF Approved Gloves/Mitts
  • White/Red/Blue USA KARATE/WKF Approved Shin/Instep Protectors
  • Mouth Guard
  • Groin Protectors (All male competitors)
  • Elite competitors will need additional equipment.

Team Divisions (If event has a team devision)

  • Do I have to have an all male or all female team for team kata? 

No, we have a few different team kata events.  Regular team kata, mixed gender team kata, and family team kata.

  • What division should I register my team for?  Teams will be divided up into a Beg/Nov division and an Int/Adv division for each age group.  If you have a team made up of novice and intermediate athletes, they must compete in the higher division (Int/Adv).  Athletes must meet all age requirements for that division.


  • Can I coach my athlete at the ring? 

Yes, all Coaches must register at the

  • Where do I pick up my Coaches’ pass?  

Coaching passes will be available at the pre-registration desk.

Weapons (Kobudo)

  • Can I do Long Weapons and Short Weapons Divisions?  

No. These divisions are exclusive and will compete on the same day.  You must choose which category to compete in.

  • What kind of weapons can I use?  

Please go to and click on Officials and Coaches Resources at the top.  Follow the links to the current Rules Update and look for the rules pertaining to Kata and Kobudo.



  • Can I go with my child to the ring? 

No. The competition floor is closed and only for competitors, registered coaches and officials. 

  • Can I go to the Staging Area with my child? 

A section of the Staging Area will be available for parents to visit and check on their competitors; however parents will not be allowed in the “competitor only” area of Staging.  The Staging Area can be a loud and busy place in the tournament and this rule will allow the Silverado Cup Staff to focus on the competitors to expedite the competitor to the competition floor.

  • Will food or drinks be allowed in the Staging Area? 

Yes.  Competitors will be allowed to bring bottled drinks and snacks to the Staging Area.  Common courtesy is appreciated and the Silverado Cup Staff expects all competitors to keep a clean Staging Area.

  • How will I know when it is my child’s time to compete? 

Each division is assigned a number.  The division number will be printed on your child’s competitor pass that you will pick up at Registration.  The Announcer will call the division number to Staging and that will signal your child needs to go to the Staging Area immediately and prepare for competition.  Generally, once a division has been called to the Staging Area, the division will make it to the competition floor in under 30 minutes.
You can also sign up for our text messaging service.  This service will send you a text message when your child is called to Staging, sent to a ring and completed competition.  For more information about this service, sign up online during the registration process or ask in Registration onsite.

  • When will my child compete? 

A general schedule will be posted to prior to the tournament, but no specific times can be given as to when a competitor will be on the competition floor.  The Silverado Cup Staff is committed to running an efficient, fair and fun tournament for all participants, so it is the Staffs’ intention to minimize wait times.  Generally the youngest age divisions start the day and the tournament works through ascending age divisions as the day moves on.

KATA: All Divisions

  • May perform any kata.
  • Tiebreaker kata, if necessary, must be a different kata. Only beginner division may be the same kata for tiebreaker.

KUMITE: WKF Rules with the following modifications:

  1. The duration of kumite bouts for all categories is one minute thirty seconds (1:30).  8-point ceiling (first to acquire 8 points wins).
  2. Techniques to the CHUDAN area may be delivered with controlled impact without causing injury to the opponent. A loss of breath by the recipient of a blow does not in itself indicate lack of control.
  3. Techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped within 5 cm of the target for kicks and 2 cm for hand techniques but may be delivered with light touch (skin touch), without causing impact – with exception to the throat area where no physical contact is allowed. 
  4. For Cadets under 14 years and children, techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped within 10 cm of the target for kicks and 5 cm for hand techniques. 
  5. “Skin touch” is allowed in categories for Competitors 16 years or older (Juniors). For categories 14 to 16 years of age skin touch is allowed for kicks only. Skin touch is defined as touching the target without transferring energy into the head or body. For Competitors under 14 years no skin touch is allowed with Jodan techniques. 
  6. Attacks are limited (controlled) to the following areas: Head, Face, Neck, Abdomen, Chest, Back &Side

KOBUDO: All Divisions

All weapons will be subject to inspection by judges before competition. Modified weapons or weapons that do not meet tournament criteria may not be used in competition. 6 ft. Bo must weigh at least 900 grams. (NO toothpick Bo’s)

Weapons must remain in the competitor’s hands at all times. Loss of control will result in disqualification.


Solid white uniform (recommended) or any martial arts uniform.

Protective Equipment: Although approved red and blue fist pads are required, competitors may use any Karate-approved shin pads and instep protectors. 

Complete WKF Rules



ippon wazaari yuko


Get In Touch

Silverado Cup is a proud division of Japanese Martial Arts Academy LLC, a distinguished dojo dedicated to the practice of traditional Japanese martial arts. Our esteemed instructors specialize in offering expert guidance across various disciplines, including aikido, karate, judo, iaido, kudo (mma), kali and more.

(734) 447-3000 main
(734) 365-6925 call/text

Japanese Martial Arts Academy, LLC
13101 Eckles Rd. Blg2, Suite 209 Plymouth, Michigan 48170